Ways to Give

Ka Hāʻawi Manawaleʻa

Cash Contributions and Matching Gifts

If you itemize on your tax return, cash contributions to Kaua`i Hospice are fully deductible. Each and every gift you make to Kaua`i Hospice is receipted or acknowledged — regardless of how big or small — to facilitate your tax filing. You can double the impact of your gift through matching gift programs sponsored by employers. Many companies sponsor employee matching gift programs that benefit Kaua`i Hospice. Please contact your corporate Human Resources department for the appropriate forms to process the match for your gift.


Angel Givers

Angel Givers provide Kaua`i Hospice a steady source of income that we can count on, which is vitally important to our planning efforts. Each month, Angel Givers make their contributions directly from a pre-approved credit card charge. It saves time for them and ensures that their ongoing support and generosity will assist us in providing the critical care and services our hospice patients and families need. If you would like to become an Angel Giver, you can sign up through our secure online donation form or call (808) 245-7277.

Outright Gifts of Appreciated Property of Stock

In addition to cash contributions, you can donate appreciated property (stocks, bonds, and real estate). When you transfer property that you have held for more than a year to Kaua`i Hospice, you do not pay taxes on the asset’s capital gains. Your charitable deduction is based on the fair market value of the asset at the time of the gift; a win/win situation for you and our patients. To make a gift of appreciated stock, please contact your broker and kindly notify Kaua`i Hospice Advancement Department by calling 808-245-7277 or email that your stock gift is being sent to ensure the most prompt receipt of your gift.

Kaua’i Hospice team
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Income Generating Gifts

You also can use cash and appreciated property to establish charitable remainder trusts or charitable gift annuities. These deferred giving plans provide income and benefits to you while benefiting Kaua`i Hospice, helping to accomplish both financial and charitable objectives you may have.

Endowment Gifts

As an ultimate tribute to the services provided by Kaua`i Hospice, you can use your gift to endow our patient care, grief counseling, and other programs. An endowed fund is invested to provide annual support while at the same time ensuring that your gift increases in value over time.

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Making a bequest in a will or living trust is a simple way to provide for our work while helping to reduce your inheritance taxes. Any part, percentage, or component of estate or trust assets can be left to Kaua`i Hospice.

Sample language to include in your will:

  • I hereby give and bequeath to Kaua`i Hospice, a qualified charitable organization, or its successor organization, also a qualified charitable organization, 4457 Pahe`e Street, Lihue, Hawaii, 96766,________________________________________________ (describe fixed amount of money or designated real or personal property, a percentage of your estate or the residue of your estate).

In-Kind Donations

Kaua`i Hospice gladly accepts gifts of office supplies, food, durable medical equipment, computer supplies, books and other items which reduces our operating costs and augments our programs. We are not able to accept used items or to pick up in-kind donations. Please call for more information.


Mahalo nui loa!

Thanks very, very much!